trying to find a healthier way to stay connected to my friends

Is social media really social anymore

I’m not sure. Now, the irony that my social media links are in the upper right hand corner of this site is not lost on me – at all.

The truth is many times I don’t see updates from my friends.

Nor do they probably see mine.

Thus, this site.

I’m going to send random updates to my friends about what’s going on in my life and of course I want to hear what is going on in your world, too.

Just sign up. They will be random.

  • Toothache Story

    Toothache Story

    I was just thinking that until this back molar toothache, I knew nothing about trigeminal nerve. And to be honest, I wish I still didn’t. But it appears that this tooth can communicate with that nerve. Of course it came on about 12 days into my daily video challenge of doing daily videos until August…

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Simba now Grandma

Slide by slide description. 1st Oliang (from Simba’s 3rd litter) just before giving birth, 2nd then new kittens are here, 3rd Simba just informed that she’s a grandma for the first time, 4th Simba from the stranded beginning during Covid when she was kicked out of the litter and we thought for sure she would not live past a few days, 5th Soapy is an aunt. She was the only survivor of the first litter, 6th Bpen is now an uncle (from second litter), 7th Mai (2nd litter) waking up from nap to find out he’s and uncle, 8th Rai (from second litter) takes a break from eating to find out he’s and uncle, and 9th Mai, Bpen, and Rai as kittens.

Celebrating Songkran in Thailand.

Durian Season

Stinky Fruit Time

Wild Mushrooms

The golf course is filled with dangerous mushrooms

Golf is Hot

It has been hot. So mostly 9-holes in the late afternoon